Being surrounded by people who were terrified of the idea of being lonely influenced me into feeling the same exact way. However, I resisted the pressure of jumping into relationships once loneliness hit, and I tried to prevent myself from ever depending on a boy when things got tough. I’m not saying being dependent on a guy is so wrong, but it’s wrong if your intentions started from feeling lonely. Not only are you disrespecting the guy, but you’re doing the same to yourself because you were too weak to stand alone, and now you’re using a guy for your own selfishness. My words may come off harsh, but I feel that it is very important to pursue the idea that loneliness is not as bad as everyone portrays it to be.
To me, loneliness is defined as the act of isolating yourself away from the world and allows the freedom to get to know yourself without being distracted by the many things this world has to offer. Distractions of the world can involve anything related to drama with family/friends, issues with your boyfriend, social media, or anything you define as a distraction.
It’s okay to be alone sometimes because when it’s just you and your thoughts, you realize more about yourself that you didn’t know before. During times of isolation, take these moments and treat it as a gift rather than a burden.
If you have absolutely no idea on how to spend time with yourself or ways on getting to know yourself more, here are my tips and things I do whenever I feel alone. However, before I give you my tips, I have to put out a disclaimer and say that in order to truly find yourself through this time, take a step out of your emotional self (or any negative emotion you are feeling) and commit yourself to being free-spirited for once.
Get LOST in a book in a peaceful setting (the beach or in an open pasture), go for a run/walk/hike, or go to the movies (the movies are surprisingly known as an anti-social location for gatherings with it’s lack of social interaction). The last tip is probably my favorite thing to do even when I’m not alone. DO NOTHING (just lay on your bed with soft music playing in the background and get LOST in your own thoughts).
Another thing to do during these times of loneliness are to take care of any errands you’ve been procrastinating to do for so long. Writing that made me cringe a little due to the fact that I am the absolute queen of procrastination. But when you get the chance, try taking care of those errands while you’re still focused and away from the distractions of life because once you go back to your “normal” life, you may not have the time and focus like you did before.
Well there you have it. My ideology on the good things loneliness has to offer. Hope this helps you through your journey in obtaining an independent lifestyle with the first steps of getting to know yourself while being alone.
Ughhh your such a talented writer! Writing straight from your heart to another heart.
Thank you so much Sheeva! <3
This girl is awesome! Yea loneliness can be a difficult state to be in but you just have to find the right avenues to pursue in this state because it filters out any potential distractions in life and allows one to focus on the betterment of themselves, which could be otherwise difficult if one is always surrounded by distractions in like like high maintenence relationship that can hinder your own self improvement. This allows us to focus on ourselves and to work on maintaining ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritutualy.