Sometimes, life can get in the way of life. And if you understood exactly what I meant, then I’m not crazy (yay). Life can be bipolar at times; It’s great at one point, and then sucks the next. Life can just be all over the place and messy. The reason for that can sometimes be because our lives feel messy and disorganized. I can’t tell you that I know exactly how to fix your life, but I know how to make it less messy (if that made any sense). It all begins with cleansing your life completely starting with the small things in your life:
- Cleanse your social media. This could be your list of facebook friends that you need to go through and delete, or your instagram to delete any pictures you don’t like anymore. I remember deleting ALL of my instagram pictures and having it feel so good because it felt kinda like a fresh start at life. I know that sounds cheesy and dumb of how cleansing my instagram helped but our generation deals a lot with social media and we have to work with what we have. Anything that you feel gives you a fresh start at life, do exactly that.
- Cleanse your friend group. I remember being friends only with people who liked to gossip and talk bad about anyone that walked passed us. I was over that type of a lifestyle and did not see myself being friends with these types of people, especially, because I was starting to become exactly like them. I couldn’t handle thinking or acting this way of being a “mean girl” so I disconnected my life with them. Ever since then, I finally feel like myself, like I’m the kind person I knew I always was. I feel like I can strive in life more instead of being held back by that type of negativity revolving around gossip and cruelty.
- ALWAYS have a journal. Growing up, I was always the type of girl to carry a journal and write my thoughts, ideas, and schedules in. I can’t think or continue my day without having my schedule in my journal. It’s just something that helps with de-stressing my day with an organized schedule. I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without a helpful journal/planner.
- CLEAN YOUR ROOM. This has a short term effect, but boy is it effective! Every time I feel like my life is getting messy, I try working on the external factors and work my way through it all. Cleaning my room has helped me because when your environment is messy, that can cause a HUGE toll on your life that you would never realize was there! Until I started cleaning my room frequently, I began to have a more positive attitude in my room instead of thinking negatively or sleeping in depression. Didn’t you ever wonder why in movies, the girls would always try cleaning the house after a breakup/heartbreak? Well yes, it’s because they wanted a distraction but it also feels like they are cleansing their mind while doing this.
- Find your drive back. This is more related internally and within. This has a long term effect over your life but finding a motivation and goal for yourself can help give more purpose for your life. I know what it feels like to lack ambition and to feel purposeless, because the main sides of unhappiness is due to feeling like you don’t play an important role in this world and that your life is worthless. But once you find your calling, you feel as if your life is falling into place and that your life has meaning. Everyone’s life has meaning, but it’s nice when you finally have realized yours.
I hope you found these tips helpful. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog to be notified on more content like this (right bar).
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