Humans are far from perfect so how are you expecting your life to fall into perfection. If we are so flawed, how can we expect life to be flawless? I believe that there is a higher being out there that takes care of us and that our lives are bound to fall into place for our own happiness because I know God loves each and every one of us. But don’t expect your life to be perfect because it doesn’t work like that. You may not be able to control your life completely, but you have all the right to control your mindset and behavior, and that’s what I believe is the most important part of living.
Your mindset to tragedy and how you face challenges matters. Do you let problems get in the way of your day or your mood? Do you allow the challenges you go through to consume your life? Do you let people ruin your life?
Listen, life is all about choices and you choose to allow something/someone to affect your mood. If you are an unhappy person, that was all up to you to be/act that way. If you are depressed, you choose to be that way and if you are broken, you choose to feel that way. I know this may sound harsh and inconsiderate, but I have a right to say this especially because I’ve dealt with these types of phases myself.
You may tell me that depression is not a phase but I’m here to tell you that it is and that it will pass however, that’s all up to you and your choice. We are all granted with free-will, and it’s all up to our choices if we choose to live today with a smile or with anger towards the world.
What will you choose for today?
How will you choose to feel for today and will it last until tomorrow? That’s your choice. Despite what happens tomorrow, will you be able to stay in that happy mindset?
Stop being angry at the world and instead try focusing on the bright side of things. And don’t try and tell me that there isn’t a bright side to your life because I can tell you now that your life is more convenient than 80% of the world. Stop trying to expect an “imperfect life” to become perfect. Instead of complaining and whining about what you don’t have, show gratitude and give thanks to what you do have. Stop blaming people for ruining your life. Stop blaming anything for ruining your life. If your life is ruined because of people or because of life’s unfortunate events, you allowed them to affect you.
You are the only person who accepts effect and change into your life. No one will help you declare change into your life except for you. Not your parents, not your friends, no one. Not even God will force you to accept happiness since he has granted each of us the freewill to choose.
Again, life is all about choices. No matter what you went through or how you grew up, you are in control of whether or not to allow your past to define your future. Don’t let it. You can either accept greatness or despair into your life so if you’re living a life full of regret, depression, unhappiness, brokenness, and suffering, you chose to feel that way. There is no doubt that in life, you will experience pain. But suffering,.. now that’s a choice.
The world is tough, but so are we.
I can’t stress this enough about the gravity behind our choices because it is exactly what predicts, defines, and determines our future. Life may never be perfect, but you can make it feel perfect with your mindset. Choose happiness. Choose to be happy today.